APRN Scope of Practice
Amends various sections of the Hawaii Revised Statutes to enable advanced practice registered nurses to practice to the fullest extent of their training and education.
APRN Licensure
Replaces references to “advanced practice registered nurse recognition” with “advanced practice registered nurse licensure” to align Hawaii’s law with national standards.
HSCN Advisory Board
Amends the composition of the Center’s advisory board – decreases the number of members to nine, specifies the membership of the board, and clarifies term limits and appointments to the advisory board. Amends certain powers and duties of the advisory board.
Increases access to POLST by updating references from “PHYSICIAN orders for life-sustaining treatment” to “PROVIDER orders for life-sustaining treatment” throughout chapter 327K, HRS. Expands health care provider signatory authority to include APRNs. Corrects inconsistencies over terms used to describe who may sign a POLST form on behalf of a patient.
Requires reimbursement for services privded through telehealth to be equivalent to reimbursement for same services provided face-to-face. Clarifies that a telehealth provider includes primary care providers, mental health providers, and oral health providers such as physicians and osteopathic physicians, APRNs, psychologists, and dentists. Amends references to “telemedicine” in the Hawaii Revised Statutes to “telehealth” for consistency.
Fast Facts: 2014 Hawaii Nursing Legistlation
While every effort has been made to ensure the information on this site is as up to date and as accurate as possible, the hearing schedules and amendments to individual bills are complex and constantly changing. Readers are advised to directly seek current information from the Hawaii State Legislature’s website. Further, the sample testimonies address the general intent of a measure and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice for which readers must obtain personal legal counsel; and to the extent that it is appropriate, are not intended to address the appropriateness of the use of specific procedures in any particular work setting or in any way opine on the implementation of specific procedures in any particular work setting.